82 year old female patient came with C/O weakness of lower limb, Neck and shoulder pain since along with pedal oedema and fever since 10 days.

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back then she developed weakness of the lower limbs, sudden in onset, non-progressive. 
Also, C/O fever since 10 days low-grade not associated with chills and rigours, continuous, relieved on medication. C/O pedal oedema since 10 days, pitting type, from ankle to knee.
No C/o chest pain, palpitations, cough, cold, LOC

K/c/o of HTN since 10 years(On medication- Telma 40mg)
Not a k/c/o DM, Epilepsy, Seizures, CVA, Asthama, TB.

Addictions- Nil. 
Appetite- Normal
Diet: Vegetarian 
Sleep: Adequate 
Bowel and bladder movements: Regular 

Family History: 
Not significant. 

General Examination -
Patient is examined in a well lit room with adequate exposure, after taking the consent of the patient.
She is conscious, coherent and cooperative.
Built & nourishment-Moderate
Icterus - Present
Pallor +
No cyanosis
No clubbing
No edema

No lymphadenopathy. Vitals: 

Temp: 98.2 F
Bp: 100/60 mmHg
PR: 102 bpm
RR: 18 cpm
SpO2: 98%

Systemic Examination -
CVS : 
S1 S2 present
No murmurs

B/l symmetrical chest
Trachea - Central
B/l air entry present

Shape of abdomen: Scaphoid
Soft, non tender.
No rigidity or guarding.


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